Spear fighters can be intimidating, especially if you have built up a reputation as being good. This tutorial shows you how to best help your side if you're a spear fighter, as well as how to go up against someone else who is also fighting with a spear.
Want to be the best spear fighter you can be? This tutorial show you two basic shots you can make when wielding a foam spear on the fields of battle at your next boffer larp. You're also shown how you can thwart a javelin shot with a spear.
Here's how you can fight against a shield wall if you're wielding a spear when playing in a boffer larp (live action roleplay). And after those strategy tips, here is some advice on how you can team up with a shield fighter for a deadly tag team.
If you're just getting started in the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) and are looking for some good ideas on how to get a set of armor for cheap to let you engage in heavy combat, this video, of an SCA class deaing with armor, is for you!
This tutorial is for those who want to become better boffer fighters, and shows you how to employ both feints and baits when on the battlefield. This is specially aimed at those who prefer to fight with two weapons, or Florentine style.
This video covers how you can be more effective with boffer tactics that teach you how to use a polearm against a line of players wielding swords and shields. This tactic is even better if you have a swordsman to back you up.
Just starting to get into the Society for Creative Anachronism? This tutorial shows you some basic footwork and few useful strategies when you're fighting with just a basic buckler (punch shield) and a sword. Though aimed at the SCA, this tutorial will work for anyone into theatre combat, boffer larps or other reenactment organizations.
Want to get started with the heavy combat in the Society for Creative Anachronism? First, you'll want to be protected by armor. Secondly, you'll want to be armed with a rattan sword. Thirdly, you'll want to know how to use your sword. And this video covers all these basics for you.
A lock-up is when you and your opponent both have your weapons pressing against each other to the point where neither of you can move. How to deal with a lock up in larp combat? This video shows you all the ins and outs of dealing with lockups in a boffer larp.
This tutorial shows you firstly what a boffer spear is (and is not), and then goes over the basic stances and techniques you can use when you're on the battlefield and fighting with a foam spear. Learn how to overcome an entire phalanx with a ranged weapon!
If shield kicking is legal in your game, here's how you can safely and effectively kick your opponents shield (and perhaps even knock them down). Know what's a good target, and a good way to deliver the kick without exposing your leg to be hit in turn.
This tutorial starts off by demonstrating the proper way to hold a boffer sword for greatest control. Once you've gotten that down, you're shown how you can go up against an opponent with a shield and still win, even if you only have a sword.
Footwork is an important aspect of waging effective boffer combat. If you want to get better at boffer fighting, work on your footwork. No matter what weapon you're wielding, you'll be able to effectively and quickly maneuver on the battlefield to get an advantage at your next game or fighter practice.
A shield makes a fantastic defense in boffer combat. If your character uses a shield, you're going to want to make sure to get the most out of it. This video shows you a variety of shield techniques you can use to protect yourself in boffer combat or fighter practice.
"There is something you should know... I am not left-handed!" What to do when you're coming up against an opponent who's actually a lefty? This boffer combat tutorial shows you a few good strategies you can use when going up against lefties, especially when you both have shields.
A shield isn't just for defensive maneuvers - you can also use a shield in several different ways to augment your weapon attacks. This tutorial shows you how you can use a shield effecitvely in boffer combat or at a fighter practice.
So you've mastered the basics of using a shield and going up against an opponent who also wields a sword and shield. This tutorial shows you how to both stage an effective side attack, and how to defend against an opponent making the same attack on you.
Becoming better at boffer combat is not a matter of mastering fancy sword moves, it's about being able to force an opening in your opponent's defenses and taking advantage of it without leaving yourself open for a counter-attack. This tutorial shows you precisely how to create these situations and take the most advantage of them.
This is an advanced boffer fighting tutorial which focuses on the shield, and how you can improve your shield technique as a boffer fighter. Learn several good tips on how to become better at both offensive and defensive boffer shield fighting. Keep yourself protected with a shield block!
This video focuses on the tower shield techniques. First you're shown how you can get a hit in on an opponent who is fighting with a tower shield. At the same time, you learn ways to become better at boffer fighting with a tower shield yourself.
Combat is a fundamental part of many boffer larps, and you'll need to know how to fight well in order to have a successful PC for most games. This tutorial starts with the very basics of weapon grip, and shows you other important boffer combat techniques, like footwork and how to attack without leaving yourself open for a counterattack.
This tutorial shows you how to fight with a knife, dagger or other sort of short sword if you're engaging in boffer combat. You aren't totally helpless if someone comes at you with a longer weapon, and this video demonstrates what you can do!
In this tutorial, we learn how to whistle with your fingers in your mouth. First, you will grab your two pinkie fingers and place them inside your mouth on either side. Seal them with your tongue and blow across the remaining hole that is in your mouth. From the side, you should be able to see just one area where the air is coming out of from your mouth. The air should blow across the top and will control the pitch of the note that you are playing. From here, you can learn how to play songs and...
Straw Bale mazes are fun for children and adults a like and are a great way of having fun with the whole family! In this video you'll learn how to put create the maze, pull together volunteers, and get the sponsors you need!
In this video, we learn how to perform a wolf whistle with your fingers. First, you will place two fingers straight out so there is a dip in them. Then, place these in your mouth and start to blow air out of your mouth. Make sure the fingers are all touching each other while inside of the mouth. Also make sure that the fingers are pushing the tongue back. When you learn to do this, it may sound rough in the beginning, but with practice, it will sound much better! This is a handy tool to learn...
In this tutorial, we see how to whistle loudly by putting your fingers in your mouth. First, place your two fingers from each hand into your mouth. You will use the middle and pointing fingers from each hand. Place your fingers underneath your tongue and hold the tongue back while you whistle. Push the tongue to the back of your mouth making a seal around your lips. Push air out of your mouth going out into the middle. This is the easiest way to make a loud whistle sound while just using a...
This video demonstrates us the method to throw a boomerang. Firstly, hold the boomerang properly. It should be done by holding it in your hand from one of its arms. Hold it vertically at an angle to the ground. The hand, while releasing it, must be slight above your head. See the wind by dropping the grass. It can also be felt on one side of the face. Throw the boomerang at forty five degree angle into the wind. Safety of the people around must be taken care of as they might get hurt with the...
Learn how to whistle very loud with your fingers inside your mouth in simple steps. 1. First fold the front part of your tongue backwards and insert any two fingers from both hands, then blow the air out. 2. You can use your two small fingers, index fingers, middle finger and; others to blow out the whistle. 3. The most difficult part is using your thumb and index finger together to blow a whistle. 4. You can also use any two fingers together and also your thumbs by practicing with them...
Regardless of what you might have seen on tv or movies, you should never throw a boomerang side-arm. The only proper method for throwing a boomerang is to throw it overhand just like you would with a baseball. There are two ways to grip a boomerang: either pinch it or cradle it. You can do whichever one is more comfortable to you. This video will show you how to throw a boomerang.
Getting an outdoor itch to start something new? How about the ever-so-fun game of shuffleboard? Begun more than 500 years ago as a game for European royalty, shuffleboard is becoming more popular with Americans who see it as a less expensive alternative to golf.
This is a short but thorough guide to how to throw and catch a boomerang. We focus on boomerang grip, throwing technique, and more. The presentation is no-frills but informative, featuring a lot of diagrams and a brief demonstration at the end.
In this segment from Lonely Planet, we learn how to throw a boomerang. It's not just a question of getting the boomerang to come back to you. Throw the boomerang the wrong way, and it just might come back to you like a heat-seeking missle! The host in this clip has trouble getting the boomerang to return, calling to mind the old joke: "What do you call a boomerang that won't come back? A stick."
In this tutorial, you're introduced to Geocaching, the high tech treasure hunt. This is a pretty thorough intro, presented without a lot of flash but with some solid info. By the time you're done, you'll be ready to go out there into the wild, seeking those hidden goodies.
Got a traditional boomerang lying around? Check this video out for a tutorial on how to throw a traditional boomerang the right and wrong way. Each step performed shows what's being done wrong and what's being done right, so be sure to watch this if you wish to improve your boomerang skills.
You're never too old to join in the fun. A 99-year-old woman helped Bismarck, North Dakota, recapture a snow-angel-making world record. Learn how to make snow angels.
This shows how to make a ladder golf set. You need PVC pipe and a saw to cut it. You will also need connector pieces. This Instructables video is a fun outdoor game. Make golf ball bolas using golf balls and nylon rope. Drill through the balls to make the bolas. You throw the bolas underhand at the ladder.
Boomerangs are traditional Australian throwing sticks. They can be used as weapons or as sport. This video shows you how to throw one properly. These are not the returning boomerangs. These are longer and used as multi purpose tools equivlant to a Swiss army knife. They used em as instruments, utensils, weapons, child obeidience devices. The angle is less severe. They're thrown horizontally and thrown directly into the wind. The returning boomerangs are thrown overhand and at a 45 degree angle...
This Australian bush guide teaches the ways of the Boomerang. How to throw the Aussie weapon. Boomerangs are like airplane wings. Have the curved side with the beveled edge facing you. The more you flick your wrist when throwing the boomerang the more rotation your boomerang will have. Throw the boomerang at a 45 degree angle to the wind. Don't throw the boomerang into the wind. Throw it at a 1 o'clock angle, not 12 o clock or six. It's not to be thrown like a baseball or a frisbee. If you...
It's quite the challenge to be able to bounce up and down on a pogo stick, but once that's mastered, it's time to start learning some tricks. Start off with the 180 flip, the no footer, and the peg grab pogo stick tricks. Follow along with the demonstrated steps in this instructional video and learn how to do a few basic pogo stick tricks.
Looking for some new tricks to perform on the pogo stick? Start off in bus driver (twisted hand) position, then while jumping high do a backward 360 reverse, and graduate to a reverse leapfrog done between the legs. That's called a v-wrap. Learn how to do a v-wrap move by watching and following along with this video pogo stick trick tutorial.
Lawn bowling is a game of rolling asymmetric balls down a field to hit a smaller ball, called a jack. Learn the art of lawn bowling with this free video series.
Interested in getting a pogo stick? Maybe you've seen some of the impressive pogo stick tricks. Take a look at this instructional video and learn how to do some basic tricks on the pogo stick. Before attempting these tricks , try to get comfortable with the pogo stick by jumping.
This video is produced by John Hanrahan and Tor Joerund F. Pedersen at The Academy of Art University in our editing class. It is to explain how to play the lawn game Kubb as well as rules and background on the game itself. A big thank you to Dan, Erin and the rest of the Kubb players! Hope this can give you a good introduction to the amazing game of Kubb! Now go make/buy a set and start playing! This is a great game for the beach!
Shot at the Brambuk National Park and Cultural Centre in Australia, this video shows how to properly throw a boomerang. Take a look this video and give it a try.
The Newport Harbor Lawn Bowling Club would like to help you learn how to lawn bowl. Just watch this great video introduction to the much under-appreciated game of lawn bowling.
This how-to video explains the sport of steer wrestling. For this sport you must be willing to jump off a horse in order to fall on top of a steer. This could be dangerous, so leave this to the professionals.
Freestyle footbag shredder Anssi Sundberg demonstrates the toe stall, inside stall, and clipper stall. These stalls are some of the foundation moves for freestyle hacky-sack.
Perform anz trikz-footbag basic kick with tips from this how-to video. Start by learning the basic kicks, including the inside kick. During an inside kick, contact should be made just above the support leg knee.
Tom from Chi Town Custom Cornhole walks the DIY cornhole board builder through the steps to making a custom cornhole board. This how-to video features preparation and initial cuts.